Endless Energy Expansion- Spring 2011

 Written by Maati for The Bizness Magazine (Spring 2011 Issue)http://www.wix.com/thebizness/thebiznessmag#!about

The Spring marks a time for shape shifting and transition, a time for clearing away and outward expansion; making way for new ideals, healthier relationships and lucrative business pursuits.  Whether we know it or not the Earth is emerging into new growth and potential during this time.  The more we adhere to, acknowledge and align with nature, the more we reap the abundance she extends to us.

The reality is everything that happens in nature also happens within the human body on some level.  This is a fascinating truth that is fundamental in understanding how we can guarantee a successful and happy life.

Many of our lives are focused on raising our family, looking for a mate, starting a business, etc.  Although, these are all normal human activities, added to that are an infinite number of distractions- reality shows, medications, social networks, etc.  The answers are always right in front of our faces, yet many of us are totally missing the signs.  We are surrounded by and literally participating in awe inspiring phenomena on a daily basis, yet how many of us actually take the time to marvel at the artistry and genius of that which created and sustains us? 

Tuning in to our natural surroundings is a way to use the energy that already exists in order to effect positive change in our own personal, family and professional lives.  We all know that feeling when winter is finally over and spring is near…that budding anticipation, that’s the energy we should harness and literally channel towards a particular goal that we have!  We all have super powers USE THEM!  take that excitement, infuse it into visions of your business taking off, then sit back and wait for the magic to ensue!

 The Spring Equinox is the precise time when there is an equal amount of light and darkness and the scale is tipping towards an increase of light!  This is exciting because it is an opportune time to step into a new awareness, to make room for expansion and redefined potency in your life.  The Universe is on your side!

Immortal ways to utilize Springtime Energy

In your relationship

So you want to open to a new love or revitalize the love you have? Prepare your space for love!  Clean and clear away the clutter, make room for newness.  Make your home more inviting; get a new set of pillows…another set of towels.  Bring your perfect compliment to you by committing yourself to developing yourself!  Focus on strengthening your spiritual life, which often times begins with addressing your physical health.  Spring is the perfect time to stop smoking, fast, go raw, cut back on the sugar, start that yoga class…whatever the shift is for you, just do something towards your overall expansion, trust me, this makes everyone look sexy!   

In your family life

Have the desire to connect more with your children? TURN THE T.V. OFF; PUT YOUR CELL PHONE AND COMPUTERS AWAY!  Okay, now that I have your attention, these devices are truly blocking our communion with our youth.  Give your children the reverence they deserve.  Make eye contact when they speak, touch them, hug them, and laugh with them.  Ask them questions.  This all seems so simple and quite honestly it is, however we often take the small stuff for granted.  Creating and maintaining a healthy rhythm in the home is critical, especially for young children.  Try to start and end the day in the same way as much as possible.  A morning song or prayer and then at night lighting a small candle, followed by a gentle back rub and story is a good place to start.  Our children LOVE us and essentially are routing for us through all of our flaws.  Don’t allow yourself to feel hopeless as a parent; they need us to be whole in order to feel safe in this world.  Open yourself to a fresh new way of parenting, a revolutionary way that honors their sprit and divine intelligence, and encourages you to emerge into being the superior you.

In your Business    

As with anything in the realm of manifestation confidence and consistency go a long way.  So you want to take your business to the next level? Or increase the cash flow?  Free Up!  Release it, yes ALL of it, whatever it is that contributes to you doubting that it can and will happen for you.  Scared money don’t make money! You must be willing to take some risks and this is the time of year where you can consciously shift your anxiety into a surge of strength and vitality towards the intentional opening of doors and resources.  Rituals for prosperity are a must as you begin to really understand and embody the Universal concept of health and abundance.  Don’t be afraid to mix in some magic with the mundane.  Your office should exude wealth!  Add shades of gold, green and purple to your color scheme.  Buy some plants and please water themJ!!  Pick up any book on the art of Feng Shui and get to work!  Basically, your fear of failure must become a nonissue.  Once this happens you will be capable of tackling obstacles from a place of divine wisdom.  When you feel big you dream big, mashing out the idea of failure will set you on a focused path of self assuredness and success!  Now go make that money, don’t let that money make you!

Happy Spring!