We will soon be approaching the Spring Equinox on March 20.  This is a sacred time for cleansing and renewal.  Children absolutely love!!!! to celebrate all things in nature (NTR)…it is very important that we provide the context.  Our family recognizes each full and new moon, summer/winter solstice and  spring/fall equinox through art, song and ritual.  Our children live for these times.  Watching the moon grow and shrink, waiting for the first day of spring etc. is such a treat for cosmically connected children.  Take this opportunity to learn as much as you can.  Learn together as a family  (check out relevant children’s books, start a garden, have a moon party)  Design your own rituals with the little ones.  Just keep it simple and meaningful and let your inner wisdom do the rest!   

 The Moon is a sign-post which indicates the prevailing direction of the life force, the reproductive energy that animates all living things. There are basically two lunar phases: waxing and waning. When the moon is waxing, life energy on Earth increases. When the moon is waning, life energy is decreasing.

Waxing moon or first quarter moon is when the right portion of the moon is illuminated (ideal time for positive rituals). The waxing phase is used to activate, vitalize and increase.
Waning moon or last quarter moon is when the left quarter of the moon is illuminated (ideal time for banishing, study, and meditation). The waning phase is utilized to decrease, banish, and remove/block negativity.

In between you’ll have the new/dark moon this is when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction and there is total darkness (the time of greatest power for banishing and negative ritual) and the full moon (the time of greatest power for positive ritual). Most spiritualists do work around these lunar phases. To bring something into being begin at the New Moon, to cause the opposite begin at the Full Moon

Full Moon

Full Moon is an opportune time of the month for purging rituals to take place. The light the full moon offers illuminates those things that are interfering with our spiritual advancements. Once we have become enlightened to ways that are blocking us, the easier to let go. The full moon ritual is for releasing or purging the things in our lives that no longer serve us such as addictions to food, drugs, or sex, relinquishing suffering involved in hurtful relationships, discharging physical and emotional pains, etc.

New Moon

New moon ceremonies have to do with creation, manifestation, birth, and rebirth. The full moon completes the cycle, representing death, change, or tying up loose ends. The full moon symbolizes the end chapter, shedding light on the things that we no longer need to hold on to.

thank you Goddess Tara (Seek Wisdom)