Archive for November, 2011

womyn and gyrls reclaiming their immortality


Winter Solstice 2012

 Manifestation Kit

December 22, the Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year giving us roughly four days when the sun stands still.  During this “high-energy-time”, meditation, prayer, cleansing and spiritual seed planting are all wonderful ways to ensure your deepest desires.  This is the most auspicious time for you to clearly state, meditate on and visualize what you want for the coming year! 

Prepare yourself for this divine time of deep introspection; the sun is literally preparing to start anew! And so can you!

MamasImmortal is offering a special Winter Solstice 2012 Manifestation Kit designed specifically to keep womyn intuned and aligned during this extremely critical time.  Our Manifestation Kit offers you just the support you need to take your goals and desires to the next level by incorporating our tried and true life coaching services with customized meditation, health and spiritual support!

Treat yourself to something better for 2012!


For an investment of $75


The Winter Solstice 2012 Manifestation Kit


-Weekly 30 minute life coaching sessions (4 wks by phone, webcast and/or skype)

-A Customized Manifestation Plan

complete with:

-a personal winter solstice oracle reading and interpretation

-customized 21 day Herbal & Fasting regimen

-4 day solstice menu planning and recipes


Order before Nov.25 get $10 off

   refer another sister and receive an additional $10 off

plant the spirtual seeds for your success…order now!




Divine Seed Sowing-

She is in everything


 Finally we come to the last season of the year and although many feel it is the end, it is actually a time for rebirth and renewal.  True, we are entering a phase of death and dying.  Many of us see the leaves changing, the flowers dying etc., but we must remember it is all in preparation for new life and beginnings.  December 22, the Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year giving us roughly four days when the sun stands still.  During this high energy time meditation, prayer, cleansing and seed planting are all wonderful ways to ensure your deepest desires, wants and goals are fulfilled during the spring time.  This is the most auspicious time for you to clearly state, meditate on and visualize what you want for the coming year!  It is a time of deep introspection; the sun is literally preparing to start anew.  If you have committed yourself to following the simple manifestation steps highlighted in this series over the past year, then your soil has been properly cultivated and prepared, now its time to plant the seeds for that which you want to see come into fruition next Spring.

Interestingly enough the end of the year is packed with holiday distractions.   Just when the Universe is entering into a space of quietude and reflection we are inundated with holiday parties, overeating, drinking and consumerism.  This type of movement takes us directly out of alignment.  During such a sensitive time geared towards active seed planting for the next year isn’t it ironic that most people are maxing out credit cards and going into debt to purchase the new toy/technology, all while consuming twice as much food and we wonder why we are in debt next year or why our new years resolution is always to exercise more and eat better.  It’s truly a set up. By doing this you are basically planting seeds of illness and financial lack…who really wants that?

As much as possible (I know the pressure can be hard) try to sit still during this key time.  Take a week or so to cleanse your body and physical space.  Increase your water intake, meditate, sit still and get plenty of sleep.  The idea is to create a space of receptivity.  You want to tune in to the Universe.  There is a great deal of insight and abundance that awaits us all.

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